7. February 2016


Eugen Riexinger GmbH & Co. KG
Egartenring 2
D-75378 Bad Liebenzell
Phone: +49 (0) 7052 930 90-0
Fax: +49 (0) 7052 930 90-33
E-Mail: info@riex.de

From Frankfurt/Basel
Take the highway A 5 towards Karlsruhe. In Karlsruhe follow the highway A 8 towards Stuttgart. Proceed until the exit Heimsheim. Take the road via the villages Hausen and Neuhausen. That leads you to Bad-Liebenzell-Unterhaugstett.

From Stuttgart
Take the highway A 8 towards Karlsruhe. Proceed until the exit Heimsheim. Take the road via the villages Hausen and Neuhausen. That leads you to Bad-Liebenzell-Unterhaugstett.

From Singen
Take the highway A 81 towards Stuttgart. Exit the highway at Böblingen-Hulb. From there on follow the main road B 464 to Weil der Stadt. After Weil der Stadt take the road L 343 towards Bad Liebenzell-Unterhaugstett.